Also, from what I understand, there will be drinking. And with drinking comes tomfoolery.
Sounds like a perfectly good excuse to have a little party of our own on this here blog, although it's a strictly BYOB affair, and as always, if you come to my metaphorical house, don't pee in my metaphorical pool. (Also, if you come to my real house without permission, I will call the cops.)
There are a few things I'm hoping for this year. Of course, I want things I've seen and people I like to win awards and those I don't to not win. But I also would love, just once, for one of the hosts during the exercise in killing brain cells known as the red carpet show to ask an interviewee, "Did you dress yourself in the dark?" or "Were you on crack when you picked that out?" or "Where is that slow boat I assume you put your stylist on headed?"
I also hope, that in this year of all years, especially in this week of all weeks, the rich and famous who generally spend their lives being told by everyone they meet how wonderful they are will understand that it's not the end of the world if they're the butt of a few jokes.
I'll probably open the chat sometime between 6 and 6:30 EST, and although familial obligations will probably take me away between 7 and 8, feel free to sign in with any social media account and get the party going in my stead.
So tell your friends. The party is open to all who want to share some awards-show laughs.